
The handy uberwachung disaster

Es wird immer schlimmer! Kein Wasser, kein Strom. Irgendwie überleben wir. Es ist ein Desaster. Das ist einer von vielen kleinen Protesten, die in der Millionenstadt am Maracaibo-See wegen der unerträglichen Versorgungssituation täglich stattfinden. Da ist es weniger stickig als in den Häuschen, in denen die Klimaanlagen stillstehen. Weil auch die Kühlschränke ohne Strom nicht funktionieren, können die Fischer ihren Fang nicht lagern und verkaufen.

Joan Soto legt die Fische in Salz ein, um sie dann in der Sonne zu trocknen und haltbar zu machen. In Venezuela seien Stromausfälle nichts Neues. Strom gibt es nur noch rationiert und er kommt immer seltener. Der Rückschritt des Landes wird immer extremer. Uns geht es schlecht - und zwar allen. Am Seeufer vertreiben sich die Kinder die schulfreie Zeit. Wegen der Stromausfälle gehen sie immer weniger in die Schule. Am härtesten trifft der Stromausfall die Kranken: Vor einem Zentrum für Nierenkranke warten seit Stunden Dutzende Menschen darauf, dass vielleicht ein Generator geliefert wird, damit die Dialysegeräte wieder laufen.

Vor knapp drei Wochen, als ganz Venezuela fünf Tage lang keinen Strom hatte, seien in Maracaibo fünf Patienten gestorben, berichten sie - weil sie keine Dialyse bekamen. Margarita Avila hat Angst, dass sie heute umsonst hier ist. Ihr Körper ist bereits geschwollen und sie hat Atemprobleme.

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Es soll für alle reichen, deshalb bekommen wir nur zwei Stunden statt dreieinhalb. However, the processes and cultures around a mainframe often prevent the adoption of the agile, born-on-the web practices that have become essential to developing cutting edge internal and customer-facing applications.

Mainframes also represent significant, long-term investments in terms of time, money, people and possibly even decades worth of stored data. This webinar will help you understand that you can offload and unlock your mainframe data and equip your business for the modern data-driven environment. By attending this webinar, you will learn: 1. How to access the depth and richness of insights held in the data within your mainframe 2. How to reduce the costs and complexity of querying a mainframe database using the unique change data capture function 4.


How Attunity Replicate software is leveraged to stream data changes to Kafka. Pete Godfrey, Systems Engineer, Confluent. Which parameters do you need to set? What can go wrong? This online talk is based on real-world experience of Kafka deployments and explores a collection of common mistakes that are made when running Kafka in production and some best practices to avoid them.

Überwachung 2.0 - Tech-Talk - Welt der Wunder

Watch now to learn: -How to ensure your Kafka data is never lost -How to write code to cope when things go wrong -How to ensure data governance between producers and consumers -How to monitor your cluster Join Apache Kafka expert, Pete Godfrey, for this engaging talk and delve into best practice ideas and insights. The internal threat surfaces of data streams or disk drives in a raidset in a data center are not the threat surface of interest. Cyber or Threat organizations must conduct internal investigations of IT, subcontractors and supply chains without implicating the innocent.

Therefore, they are organizationally air-gapped from IT. Deploying a signal processing platform, such as Confluent Platform, allows organizations to evaluate data as soon as it becomes available enabling them to assess and mitigate risk before it arises. In Cyber or Threat Intelligence, events can be considered signals, and when analysts are hunting for threat actors, these don't appear as a single needle in a haystack, but as a series of needles.

In this paradigm, streams of signals aggregate into signatures. This session shows how various sub-systems in Apache Kafka can be used to aggregate, integrate and attribute these signals into signatures of interest.

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Watch now to learn: -The current threat landscape -The difference between Security and Threat Intelligence -The value of Confluent Platform as an ideal complement to hardware endpoint detection systems and batch-based SIEM warehouses. Leaders in organizations who are responsible for global supply chain planning are responsible for working with and integrating with data from disparate sources around the world. Many of these data sources output information in real-time, which assists planners in operationalizing plans and interacting with manufacturing output.

IoT sensors on manufacturing equipment and inventory control systems feed real-time processing pipelines to match actual production figures against planned schedules to calculate yield efficiency. Using information from both real-time systems and batch optimization, supply chain managers are able to economize operations and automate tedious inventory and manufacturing accounting processes.

Sitting on top of all these systems is a supply chain visualization tool, enabling users' visibility over the global supply chain. If you are responsible for key data integration initiatives, join for a detailed walk through of a customer's use of this system built using Confluent and Expero tools. Learn how Centene improved their ability to interact and engage with healthcare providers in real time with MongoDB and Confluent Platform.

Centene is fundamentally modernizing its legacy monolithic systems to support distributed, real-time event-driven healthcare information processing. A key part of their architecture is the development of a universal eventing framework designed to accommodate transformation into an event-driven architecture EDA. Most importantly, Centene discusses how they plan on leveraging this framework to change their culture from batch processing to real-time stream processing.

Customers want to connect their databases, data warehouses, applications, microservices and more, to power the event streaming platform. To connect to Apache Kafka, you need a connector! We cover the verification steps and provide code samples created by popular application and database companies.

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We will discuss the resources available to support you through the connector development process. Sree Karuthody, Sr. This online talk focuses on the key business drivers behind connecting to Kafka and introduces the new Confluent Verified Integrations Program. As a result companies such as Nationwide Building Society are re-architecting their processes and infrastructure around customer needs to reduce the risk of losing relevance and the ability to innovate.

Rob Jackson, Head of Application Architecture, will also cover how Confluent enabled Nationwide to build the stream processing backbone that is being used to re-engineer the entire banking experience including online banking, payment processing and mortgage applications. Tim Berglund, Sr. Director Developer Experience, Confluent. Businesses operate in real-time and the software they use is catching up.

Rather than processing data only at the end of the day, enterprises are seeking to react to it continuously as the data arrives.

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This is the emerging world of stream processing. Kai Waehner, Technology Evangelist, Confluent. Sucht euch ein schattiges Plätzchen und spitzt die Ohren: Confluent Platform 5. Dani Traphagen, Sr.

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In this all too fabulous talk with Ticketmaster, we will be addressing the wonderful and new wonders of KSQL vs. Am I wrong? What have I done? Matthias J. Sax, Software Engineer, Confluent. The original design aims for on-prem deployments of stateless clients. However, it does not always align with modern deployment tools like Kubernetes and stateful stream processing clients, like Kafka Streams.

Those shortcomings lead to two major recent improvement proposals, namely static group membership and incremental rebalancing.

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  • This talk provides a deep dive into the details of the rebalance protocol, starting from its original design in version 0. We discuss internal technical details, pros and cons of the existing approaches, and explain how you configure your client correctly for your use case.