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And why you should be more cautious. If you have a WiFi connection at your home and that WiFi connection is being used by many fellows in your home then you should be a bit cautious.
WhatsApp Sniffer works like awesome if your family members use WhatsApp and you want to know the chats, audios, and videos of your family members from the app. First of all, make sure you root your Android smartphone if you are planning on using this app. This only works when you and the person you want to hack uses the same internet connection either via WiFi or Mobile Hotspot.
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When both parties use the same internet connection, then WhatsApp sniffer work like IP Spoofing method and read the data packets shared across the network. Thank you for the. Javed Ahmed you are right. I did this and I found that WhatsApp Sniffer is marvelous. Thanks for stopping by.
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